Home Internet Facebook Hit with Fourth Lawsuit over Cambridge Analytica Data Sharing Scandal

Facebook Hit with Fourth Lawsuit over Cambridge Analytica Data Sharing Scandal

Facebook Hit with Fourth

A fourth lawsuit was filed against Facebook in a US court this week in the wake of Cambridge Analytica data sharing scandal, according to reports.

The London-based data analytics firm has been alleged of misusing the data of around 50 million users.

Lauren Price, a Facebook user from Maryland, filed the class-action lawsuit in US District Court in San Jose, California. on Tuesday, on the behalf of country’s 50 million other users of the social network whose data was also collected by Cambridge Analytica during 2016’s US presidential election campaign.

Earlier this week, it was revealed that Cambridge-based analytics firm, which worked with US President Donald Trump’s campaign, gathered the information through a Facebook survey  and used it to influence voters during the election.

Price said she often saw political ads on her Facebook feed during the campaign.

“Facebook had known about this security breach for two years, but did little or nothing to protect its users,” her complaint says.

The Cambridge-based analytics firm collected the information through a Facebook survey  and used it to influence voters during 2016’s presidential U.S election.


She further stated that violation of the privacy of millions of people by two companies has increased the risk of identity theft on the internet.

This was the first lawsuit filed by a Facebook user against the company.

FacebookvOn Tuesday, a Faceook stakeholder Fan  Yuan had also filed a class action lawsuit in a San Francisco federal court against the company, its Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) David Wehner on the behalf of other investors.

The plaintiff, in the suit, has alleged Facebook of making ‘misleading statements’ and negligence over third-party access to the data, which resulted in a significant decline in company’s stocks.

Another class action lawsuit was filed by attorney Jeremiah Hallisey earlier this week against Zuckerberg, Chief Operating Officer (COO) Sheryl Sandberg, and company’s board members Reed Hastings, Jan Koum, Marc Andreessen, Susan Desmond-Hellmann, Erskine Bowles and Peter Thiel.

“Each of the Defendants consciously and deliberately breached their fiduciary duties of candor, good faith, loyalty and reasonable inquiry to Facebook and its stockholders by failing to act to ensure Facebook maintained adequate internal controls to comply with the consent order and other applicable laws,” the complaint states.

Both Facebook and Cambridge Analytica did not immediately respond to a request for comment over Price’s lawsuit.


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