Home Tech Google Launches Chrome 66 For Android, iOS, Mac, Windows and Linux

Google Launches Chrome 66 For Android, iOS, Mac, Windows and Linux


Google today rolled out Chrome 66 on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android, according to reports.

The latest update of the web browser has brought up several design tweaks, improved security and developer features as well as bug fixes.

Some of the main features of the update include site media auto-play behaviour, the ability to export passwords and isolation trial.

Chrome version 64, which was launched in January this year, gave the users ability to mute audio on a site-by-site basis.

However, in Chrome 66, auto-playing of content has been turned off by default, which means the online videos will be no longer automatically played on all websites.  Instead, the feature will turn on by default on a specific website where the users frequently play videos or to that which has been added to Home Screen on a phone.

The ability to Export passwords, which was previously available in the iOS and desktops, has also been added to Chrome. To access the option, go to Settings > Advanced > Passwords and forms > Manage passwords > Saved Passwords menu.

Chrome 66 has brought up several design tweaks, improved security and developer features as well as bug fixes

gg2A prompt will appear asking you to input your computer password and confirm the download on your PC. Once you’ve done so, your passwords saved on Chrome would be exported as a CVS file.

The search engine giant has also removed “Chrome Home” button from the Android version of Chrome 66 and replaced it with “Chrome Home Duplex.”  Chrome 66 users can slide up a new bottom toolbar to open a new tab.

gg3The latest update also features trial of Site Isolation, which Google says mitigates the threats posed by side-channel attack techniques such as Meltdown and Spectre, thus improving the overall security of the browser.

To update your Chrome browser to version 66, go  Settings > About Chrome and make sure it is up to date. You can find a full changelog of the latest version of Google Git.